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Mostrando las entradas etiquetadas como blockchain

10 geniales libros sobre Blockchain y el Cryptocurrency

Hola amigos, sabemos que uno de los temas actuales, son las cripto monedas y elrecopilamos 10 libros geniales disponibles para iBooks. Espero les sean de gran utilidad a muchos que están empezando a conocer este genial mundo descentralizado de las cripto monedas. Todos los libros realmente están a precios accesibles. Blockchain Sean Bennett BLOCKCHAIN The next step in the technological revolution is here with Blockchain! Blockchain technology is in the news more and more these days, especially as Bitcoin prices continue to climb closer and closer to $20,000 per unit.... Released: December 21, 2017 Life After Google George Gilder You can say goodbye to today's Internet, national bestselling author George Gilder says. Soon the current model of aggregated free content populated with "value-subtracted" advertising will die a natural death, due, of course, to the... Released: July 17, 2018 Blockchain Revolution Don Tapscott & Alex Tapsco